Welcome to Bushnell University’s Net Price Calculator!

The Net Price Calculator is designed to provide you with an early approximation of what an undergraduate student can expect to pay to attend Bushnell University. The Net Price Calculator will provide estimates of academic-based scholarship as well as need-based financial aid, however talent-based (athletic or music) scholarships will not be included as they require consultation with a coach or faculty member. It is not intended for use by graduate, readmitted, continuing, or part-time students, who should instead contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

This calculator is not an official application for financial aid and is not a substitute for applying for financial aid. The student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for federal student aid funds.

The results provided here are only an estimate and do not guarantee the actual financial aid you will receive. The estimated award is subject to the accuracy of the information you provide, may change if financial or other family characteristics change, and does not incorporate any special circumstances, which are reviewed after you officially apply for aid.

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By using this calculator you agree to our Terms of Service Agreement.

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