Here at the Bushnell University School of Bible, Theology, and Ministry we help you discern, explore, and grow in your clarity about God’s calling regardless of the vocation.

As part of the College of Theology, Arts, and Sciences, our academic programs help students to think critically and theologically, cultivate character and integrity, as they grow deeper in their understanding of the Christian faith. We ground our quality biblical and theological education in mentored practical experience such as practicums, internships, cross-cultural ministry experiences, and Bible lands study tours. These equip you to be biblically faithful, culturally engaged, and spiritual vibrant in your pursuit of God’s calling in a broad scope of ministry vocations across the street or across the world.

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Academic Programs

Agam Iheanyi-Igwe, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, School of Bible & World Christianity


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Agam Iheanyi-Igwe, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, School of Bible, Theology, & Ministry


Why Choose Bushnell’s School of Bible, Theology, & Ministry?

The specialty of the School of Bible, Theology, and Ministry is the team of faculty experts who combine excellent scholarship with extensive ministry experience, and are passionate about Jesus and care deeply for their students. As we live out the Bushnell themes of Wisdom, Faith, and Service, you can count on our commitment to the Bible as God’s word, our commitment to your personal and spiritual growth and our commitment to help you be ready for ministry.

We believe that the best hope of our troubled world lies in the community of transformed Jesus followers and just like in the first century, God is using transformed men and women who have encountered Jesus to change the world today. Come along and let us do it together!

Academic Programs

Latest News

Stay informed with our latest news in the following areas

School of Bible, Theology, & Ministry



  • Rev. Troy Dean, M.A. – Campus Pastor & Assistant Professor
  • Agam Iheanyi-Igwe, Ph.D. – Associate Dean of Bible, Theology, & Ministry & Associate Professor
  • Joshua Little, M.A. – Assistant Professor Biblical Studies and Christian Formation
  • A.J. Swoboda, Ph.D. – Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and World Christianity

Adjunct Faculty

  • Dr. Trevor Cochell
  • Dr. Ryan Connor
  • Chad DeKay
  • Erica Monge-Greer
  • Dr. Sosamma Samuel-Burnett
  • Joe Tepe
  • Dr. Wes Wright

Academic Catalog

Academic Calender

Military & Veteran Benefits

Female student flips through pages of her bible


The mission of the School of Bible, Theology, and Ministry is to cultivate biblically faithful and culturally engaged leaders that are well equiped to think critically and theologically as they deepen their Christian faith and strengthen their vocation. Students within their programs will be joined alongside faithful and dedicated faculty as they prepare to serve in areas such as church ministry, non-profits, and the mission field.

Four students sit on the floor in a prayer circle with their heads down

Meet the Dean

   Agam Iheanyi-Igwe, Ph.D.

“The School of Bible, Theology, and Ministry equips students with theological reasoning, spiritual formation, and practical ministry skills to serve in the church, non-profits, and on the mission field. The emphasis on world Christianity, and on calling, makes our program unique as students are equipped to think vocationally, broadly, recognizing that their calling transcends whatever their career turns out to be in any given season, and may be expressed both within and beyond the faith community.”