
Masks and social distancing are no longer required in classroom settings. However, those who choose to wear masks, for whatever reason, are free to do so. Instructors and students are asked to respect individual decisions and preferences.

All face-to-face classes are expected to meet in person and are not available for remote participation unless a documented notice of accommodation (NOA) or other exception has been officially issued by an authorized staff member.


The Kellenberger library is open to the public. Masks and face coverings are optional. Choosing to wear a mask or face covering is at the discretion of the individual.

Library resources may be borrowed via a “contactless” check-out system. Students are asked to present their student ID card when checking out materials.

Student Life

Christ-centered community is a hallmark of a Bushnell education, and we will continue to do all that we can to provide strong social/community building programing and activities.

Activities and Programming

All activities and programming are designed to meet COVID-19 protocol standards. Students are encouraged to participate in Beacon Nights, small groups, signature activities and events, and student leadership. Individuals who are displaying any symptoms mentioned in this document must not participate in on or off campus activities and programming sponsored by the university.


Our chapel gatherings reflect the same consideration, safety and practices as outlined in the aforementioned guidelines.  Chapel gatherings are recorded for live and future viewing for those with underlying conditions.

Residence Halls

Our residential spaces have been adjusted to reflect CDC guidance.

In order to maintain lower density in high density residential spaces, adjustments have been made to some of our residential spaces and policies. Students have access to laundry facilities in their building or a nearby building. Students may not have overnight visitors in their room or apartment. Our access regulations continue to evolve as we move through different phases of our COVID-19 response.

Campus Dining

Campus dining is operational and has been adjusted to reflect CDC guidance.


Protocols reflect CDC, NAIA, and Cascade Collegiate Conference guidance.

  • If a student athlete is found to have any COVID-19 related symptoms, they will be referred to the Athletic Training staff to determine whether the individual may participate in the activity.
  • If the student is withheld from participation based off of their symptoms the student will be instructed to go home to their place of residence and self-isolate.
  • The student will continue to self-isolate until they are symptom free x 24 hours. Alternatively, the recommended option would be for the student to obtain a negative antigen or PCR test to be considered able to return back to activity sooner. Results must be presented to Athletic Training staff prior to return to activity.
  • Students who are a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case students must monitor their health, wear a mask for 14 days and test 3-5 days after exposure, but do not need to quarantine unless they develop symptoms or receive a positive test. Test results must be presented to Athletic Training staff.
  • If the student is diagnosed with COVID-19 they will be required to isolate. If symptomatic they may return to full participation after 10 days since symptoms appeared and no longer are symptomatic. If the student tested positive for COVID-19 and have no symptoms they may return from isolation after 5 days since the day they tested for COVID-19.
  • Students who test positive for COVID-19 will undergo an extensive return to play protocol with Athletic Training staff after their return from isolation. In certain cases a student may be asked to see a physician prior to their return back to their sport.
  • Masks must be always worn in the Athletic Training Room.
  • Coaches manage workouts according to aforementioned guidelines.