128 Years of Wisdom, Faith & Service
Wisdom, Faith, and Service captures the essence of the institutional vocation and mission of Bushnell University from its founding in 1895. The Bushnell Saga– past, present, and future– is shaped and framed by the individual “wisdom, faith, and service sagas” of Bushnell People– women, men, professors, students, alumni, administrators, and countless friends– whose own vocational callings have contributed to and benefited from the saga of this institution. In this book, current Bushnell People reflect theologically and practically on the University’s mission and share the stories of other Bushnell People whose lives embody the high calling of wisdom, faith, and service.
Agam D. Iheanyi-Igwe, Ph.D., is associate professor and associate dean of Bible and World Christianity at Bushnell University
Dennis R. Lindsay, Dr.Theol., professor emeritus of biblical studies and dean of the faculty at Bushnell University
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Please make your gift by June 30 to participate.