Twenty-seven years ago, the University entered a 33-year land lease with the Phoenix Inn, allowing them to build on University property along Franklin Boulevard. The building was to become University property at the end of the lease at no cost. On August 1, 2021, we take possession, six years early, and the former hotel will become Bushnell’s largest and best residence hall, as each room will have its own bathroom. This resolves our housing limitations so we can continue to increase enrollment.

While the former inn is in excellent condition, the guest rooms need to be converted to dormitory-style spaces and the offices and meeting rooms refreshed for strategic purposes. We will give the entire property a fresh coat of Beacon care and add a marquee sign on Franklin Boulevard that allows for maximum exposure for people driving into the University District.

The addition of this new residence hall gives us one more opportunity to better serve our students. It will be a strong space for building community and it is already exciting to think about the relationships, programming, and lifelong memories that will be made in this building.”

– Michael Fuller, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Development

Along with a prime location and valuable parking, this new residence hall will provide nearly 200 beds, saving the University hundreds of thousands of dollars in off-campus leasing costs and bringing students from outlying spaces to the heart of campus community. At the same time, the new hall will become the home of campus ministry, recruitment, and student life.

The cost of repurposing will be $1,000,000.

Read more about the new residence hall in the Summer 2021 edition of The Beacon magazine.

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